Fr. Paul's Meditations for Church Year B

These meditations are based spiritual understanding. Rational understanding is learned through study, research and experimentation. Spiritual understanding is discovered though conscious wondering in the Presence.

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Year B Pentecost XXII Bottom Line Meditations

Spiritual language is something we discover by speaking it. Take time to sense the godly Presence within when a spiritual word is added to the rational, worldly reading of scripture.  Read more

Pentecost XXI Mark 10:17-31

Mark 10:35-45. "Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory." Worldly thinking of James and John is that they want to sit on the right and left hand of Jesus in His glory. Godly understanding knows that He is spiritually already in His glory. They already are sitting on His right and left Hand. The grace of the Presence of God has already been given to all of us. All of us are not always in this Presence. It is for those for whom it has been prepared.  Read more

Year B Pentecost XXI Bottom Line Meditations

Worldly follows a path of law. Godly follows a style of grace. Worldly seeks to be guarded physically against the world. Godly seeks to be guarded spiritually in the world. Worldly follow the law to obey God. Godly spiritually obey God to follow the law. Worldly seeks to move to a position of His Presence. Godly seeks to be open to a condition of His Presence.  Read more

Pentecost XX Mark 10:17-31

Mark 10:17-31."Sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and come, follow me." How hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! Worldly thinking believes we must sell all we have and give it to the poor so that we can follow Jesus. Godly understanding knows that, in our heart, we cannot depend upon anything other than the Presence of Jesus for our life.  Read more

Year B Pentecost XX Bottom Line Meditations

Spiritual language is natural, conscious and innate. It is not something we learn, it is something we discover. This language is not rationally taught but consciously remembered. Take time to sense the godly Presence within when a spiritual word is added to the rational, worldly reading of scripture.  Read more

Pentecost XIX Mark 10:2-16

Mark 10:2-16. “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” Worldly thinking reads this as the Law in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 is to be broken. Godly understanding is not limited. Any law that hardens one's heart is to be broken. Our Commandment is to do the loving thing in all cases.   Read more

Year B Pentecost XIX Bottom Line Meditations

Spiritual language is natural, conscious and innate. It is not something we learn, it is something we discover. This language is not rationally taught but consciously remembered. Take time to sense the godly Presence within when a spiritual word is added to the rational, worldly reading of scripture.  Read more

Pentecost XVIII Mark 9:38-50

Mark 9:38-50. Spiritual Salt is Good. “Have salt among yourselves, and be at Peace with each other." There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for salt. This parable is the difference between one dimensional thinking, what we think salt tastes like rationally, and two dimensionally, how we spiritually use salt to preserve things.  Read more

Year B Pentecost XVIII Bottom Line Meditations

Essentially we can do nothing apart from consciously being in His Godly Presence. The Hebrew word for “prophesied” refers to “ecstatic language”. It is a sign of the anointing of the Spirit.   Read more

Pentecost XVII Mark 9:30-37

Mark 9:30-37. “They argued with one another over who was the greatest.” The question to ask is, why every time Jesus told the disciples of His impending death, they argued who would be the greatest? That is, who is going to lead this band after He goes?  Read more

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