Blog Posts containing "conscious heart"

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

“The greatest of these is Love.” This does not mean Love is the best. Legalism is interested in which is better, Faith, Hope or Love? If we think Love is the best, then we will spend more time learning about Love. Faith and Hope can almost be ignored because Love is the best. However that is not what Paul said. He did say it was the greatest, but that does not mean it is the best. It means that these three are part of the whole.  Read more

Follow Your Heart Part 4: Follow Your Heart

This twelve part series is an attempt to make clear how to follow our heart by explaining an intangible concept!! It seems so simple when others tell us to follow our heart. What does it mean to do so? We need a reason to follow our heart. As long as the logic of our head works, we will find little to discover what following the heart has to offer.  Read more

Follow Your Heart Part 3: The Rational Head

This twelve part series is an attempt to make clear how to follow our heart by explaining an intangible concept!! It is impossible for the rational head to feel the spiritual heart. When we are in the Peace, Love, and Joy of the heart, we will think, feel, and act differently than when we are out of it. We can have negative thoughts that create negative feelings about the same thing we think about when in the heart. The difference is we will have Wisdom from the heart we never could have in the head.   Read more

Human Nature and Spiritual Nature

Our human nature is based on, "our thoughts create our feelings of God's Love about what happens to us." When what happens to us goes well, we feel at Peace. If what happens to us does not go well, we must change the event to feel at Peace. The problem arises because if we cannot change the event, we will feel upset. The good news is, while we cannot change human nature, we can transcend it.   Read more

Christianity is not Politically Correct

Christianity may not be considered as being PC (politically correct) and Christians may not know it. At a conference on comparative religions, theologians from all faiths discussed the uniqueness of their faith. They questioned the uniqueness of Christianity's doctrine of the Incarnation and the Resurrection. Other religions have had different versions of gods born in human form and accounts of their return from death. They asked C. S. Lewis what was the uniqueness of Christianity? Lewis responded, "Oh, that's easy. It's grace."  Read more

What We Believe Is Determined By "How" We Believe

What we believe determines the kind of life we will live. How we believe is the determining factor of what we believe. There are an infinite number of things about what we can believe. There are only two ways that determine how we believe.  Read more

Easter And The Resurrection

It is always amazing to some that there are those who believe in the resurrection. It is also amazing to others that some do not believe in the resurrection. Who are you to believe? The bottom line is, it is up to you.  Read more

“What” And “How” To Practice The Presence

Many people find it difficult to distinguish between a “what” and a “how”. If one does not know the difference between a “what” and a “how” they will think a “what” is a “how” and a “how” is a “what”. They then do not know what a “what” is because they think it is a “how”, and they do not know what a “how” is because they think it is a “what”. Trying to understand the difference is so confusing to some that they give up too early and never know the difference.  Read more

Spirituality For Dummies

I was watching television the other day. There was a doctor who had spent much time studying the brain and how it handles stress. The conclusion was, once the brain is developed there was not much a person could do in how they handled their emotions. They were given a bit of an ability to deal differently in some situations. However, most of how they responded was already preordained, programmed, and predictable.  Read more

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