This twelve part series is an attempt to make clear how to follow our heart by explaining an intangible concept!!
Eph 1:18 "Be enlightened by the eyes of your heart."
The rational head sees the physical seen.
The conscious heart feels the spiritually unseen.
It seems so simple when others tell us to follow our heart. What does it mean to do so? We need a reason to follow our heart. As long as the logic of our head works, we will find little to discover what following the heart has to offer.
Following our heart has its bumps, but the Peace never ends. No matter how hard things seem, following our heart will lead us through it. Wherever you go, go with all your heart. Following our heart in the Presence is not what we become, but who we already are.
What They Say Following Our Heart
We cannot force our rational head to follow our heart. We let our consciousness fall into our heart. We don't force our consciousness to fall. It just settles softly in a place of rest.
In the Presence, following the heart makes all things possible. The Love in the heart makes it easy.
Following the heart does not make everything perfect, but enables us to see everything perfectly.
A lifetime is more than sufficiently long for people to discover how to follow their heart.
Follow your heart, and no matter where you go, there you are.
When we follow our heart we see beyond the dangers, the risks, the obstacles, the hardships of Life.
Following the heart is like an angel that lifts us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Have one lamp to follow and that is the lamp of your heart.
Following the Heart is a hard teacher because it gives the experience first and the rational lesson afterward.
What They Are Not Saying is
How To Follow Your Heart
Step Four
We know we are thinking rationally when we use words to describe rational and physical things. The conscious heart is spiritual, unseen, and not rational. It cannot be understood by the rational head. To understand the heart, we must use our conscious mind. Because we use our rational so much more, it can be difficult to feel the conscious. We use the conscious all of the time when our thoughts create our feelings. It all happens so fast, we tend to think of them as one process. However, we can separate the thought from the feeling. In doing so, we can become more aware of using our conscious faculty.
Exercise Four: Strengthening Our Conscious Right Brain To Open Our Heart.
Picture someone you care about who is not with you right now. Say to them, "There you are."
Now sense their presence. When you feel their presence say to your image, "Here you are."
Now drop the thought of them and remain conscious of the feeling of your heart, Peace. "Here I am."
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