Blog Posts containing "spiritual"

Pentecost XII John 6:51-58

Life is both physical and spiritual. Jesus is referring to spiritual life not physical life. We have been created to be in communion with God. When we are out of communion we are like a fish out of water. We are not bad, or guilty. We are just going to die spiritually. Out of the Presence we are our old self. In the Presence we are our real self.  Read more

Pentecost XI John 6:24-35

This scripture is a good example of the difference between rational and spiritual understanding. The rational could not understand how Jesus could be the Bread of life. For them, "bread" meant the "manna" that God gave during the Exodus. How could a person be bread? Jesus makes the compare and contrast difference.  Read more

Pentecost X John 6:24-35

This parable demonstrates the principle of the difference between what you think rationally and how you think spiritually. The rational commentaries generally miss the fact that the feeding of the 5,000 is the Passover feast. The disciples who followed Jesus to Capernaum missed the sign of the previous feeding. It is not all that bad, as most theologians who comment on the incident missed the sign as well. Spiritually, this was not primarily about the feeding of the 5,000. It was Jesus instituting the Eucharist according to John.  Read more

Pentecost VIII Mark 6:30-34,50-54

In the lesson today Jesus was healing the people. Many wanted to touch His cloak. He could not keep telling them it was their faith. Let it happen. Why have apostles if it was not up to them to tell the people it was their faith that made them whole. Spirituality is not something you can teach. It cannot be explained rationally. It cannot be seen physically. It can only be pointed to and experienced.  Read more

Pentecost VII Mark 6:14-29

John was the one who proclaimed Jesus to be the Lamb of God who took away the Sin of the World. John did not say "sins" but "Sin". Many miss this New Testament definition of "Sin". "Sin" is missing the mark. It is separation from God. It is the cause of all "sins". Sins are symptoms of this separation. When in the Presence of the Love of God, one does not want to commit "sins". We need to stop spending time on trying to take away the sins of the World. We need to have disciples who know that the Power of being in the Grace Presence is God's way of bringing Peace on the earth.  Read more

Pentecost VI Mark 6:1-13

In Biblical times, when leaving Gentile cities, pious Jews often shook the dust from their feet to show their separation from Gentiles. While Israel was a holy land, the land of the Gentiles wasn't. Rational thinking judges us along with the people who reject the apostles' teaching. Jesus tells us if others refuse to listen to us, we get the right to judge them. The only thing we can do is to treat them as Gentiles. There can be no fellowship between them and us. We must leave and leave for good. This leads to self righteousness and condemnation of those who do not agree with us because, "Jesus said so!"  Read more

Follow Your Heart Part 4: Follow Your Heart

This twelve part series is an attempt to make clear how to follow our heart by explaining an intangible concept!! It seems so simple when others tell us to follow our heart. What does it mean to do so? We need a reason to follow our heart. As long as the logic of our head works, we will find little to discover what following the heart has to offer.  Read more

Pentecost V Mark 5:21-43

The rational looks at what is seen, the spiritual looks at what is unseen. The rational is thinking what happened and the spiritual is thinking how it happened. Spiritual understanding knows when we are in the Presence, we will see things differently than when we are out of the Presence. That is the main part of the teaching. We never really understand what the difference is until we actually experience both the rational and the spiritual.  Read more

Follow Your Heart Part 3: The Rational Head

This twelve part series is an attempt to make clear how to follow our heart by explaining an intangible concept!! It is impossible for the rational head to feel the spiritual heart. When we are in the Peace, Love, and Joy of the heart, we will think, feel, and act differently than when we are out of it. We can have negative thoughts that create negative feelings about the same thing we think about when in the heart. The difference is we will have Wisdom from the heart we never could have in the head.   Read more

Pentecost IV Mark 4:35-41

Rational thinking can lead to a dead end. There are numerous rational details. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion, and his disciples had to wake him up. Where has rational thinking taken us? Was Jesus telling them to calm their own storms next time? Perhaps Mark wrote it for us to feel guilty because we have such little faith when the storms of life hit us. Rationally, that is about it.  Read more

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