Blog Posts containing "anger"

The Emotional Sandwich

What we think out of the Presence: our negative thoughts create our pain about the situation. How we think in the Presence: the feeling of the Peace creates a peaceful thought in the situation. This is something we cannot just think about or memorize. We can only discover by doing it. Wonder what difference it makes when you are in the Peace Presence of God or when you are out and feeling the pain about what happened. You will receive the Wisdom you are looking for to bring balance into your life.  Read more

Moving Past Anger

Take a quiet moment to discover the difference between what you are thinking and how you are thinking. Think of your anger toward something someone did. Wonder what difference it would make if you were feeling the Presence of the Peace of God. If you can get in touch with the Presence, you will receive a Wisdom you could not have if you were out of God's Presence and feeling angry.  Read more

I Have an Anger Complex

"I have a problem with not being able to fully control my anger." One of the problems with anger control programs is, it isn't the anger. We use our anger to cover our real feelings. When you are Out of the Presence, your reality is pain and anger about what you think happened to you. When you change how you think In the Presence, you change what you think of the event. Within us is a Presence that can put our life back on track.  Read more

Common Sense About Your Anger

We must recognize the common sense that there is only one cause for our anger. It is our thoughts and how we think about the event. When we experience a negative event, what we think about the event creates our feeling of anger. This is hard to believe unless you personally can discover it for yourself. You cannot just read about it. If you have doubts, you have to use your own person experience of anger to have the common sense to discover where it comes from.  Read more

The Difference Between Advice and Common Sense

We live in an age in which we have passed over the old fashioned common sense to get to advice because it does not take as much time as discovering common sense. We prefer to have the quicker, drive in and out advice. This kind of advice is like fast food. It is full of things that are not good for anyone. The advantage of common sense is that it is an innate part of our life.  Read more

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