Archive of Fr. Paul's Blogs


Reading The Old Testament With New Testament Grace

Luke 16:19-31 In this familiar parable there was a rich man who feasted sumptuously inside his gate and the poor man Lazarus who was starving outside his gate. Lazarus, who had nothing, went to Heaven by the grace of God. The rich man, who had everything, went to Hades because he did not have the grace of God.  Read more

“What” And “How” To Practice The Presence

Many people find it difficult to distinguish between a “what” and a “how”. If one does not know the difference between a “what” and a “how” they will think a “what” is a “how” and a “how” is a “what”. They then do not know what a “what” is because they think it is a “how”, and they do not know what a “how” is because they think it is a “what”. Trying to understand the difference is so confusing to some that they give up too early and never know the difference.  Read more

It Is Hard To Kick Against The Spikes

On his way to Damascus to persecute the Church, St. Paul had an encounter with Jesus. Jesus said, “Saul why are you persecuting me. I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the spikes.”  Read more

Solving Life’s Problems

If you had one prayer, what would it be? How about praying you could solve all your life’s problems?  Read more

Spirituality For Dummies

I was watching television the other day. There was a doctor who had spent much time studying the brain and how it handles stress. The conclusion was, once the brain is developed there was not much a person could do in how they handled their emotions. They were given a bit of an ability to deal differently in some situations. However, most of how they responded was already preordained, programmed, and predictable.  Read more

There Are Two Sides To Any Story

There are two sides to living life. Do you live as a human being on a spiritual journey, or do you live as you’re a spiritual being on a human journey?  Read more

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