Posted by Paul Edwards (Fr. Paul) on Nov 19, 2012 | Comments (0)

Advent I: Bottom Line Spirituality

Unlocking the Gospel Secrets of Spirituality

Discover what difference reading these scriptures in a Worldly or a Godly way make.


Jesus took our words and created His own spiritual, scriptural language. Spiritual language is innate and consciously felt, not read to be learned rationally. Translate the worldly language into godly language and feel the difference spiritual makes.

Click here to read the introductory text for the Bottom Line Meditations

Worldly righteousness is obeying the law to be right.

Godly righteousness is being in a right relationship with Jesus.

OLD TESTAMENT: Jeremiah 33:14-16

Worldly: The LORD is our righteousness.
Godly: The Lord is our spiritual righteousness.

Feel the difference between Worldly and Godly Justice:

“He shall execute justice and righteousness.”

We can only experience the spiritual Kingdom consciously in the heart then rationally from the head.

PSALM: 25:1-10

Worldy: To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul.
Godly: To you, O LORD, I spiritually lift up my soul.

Feel the difference between Worldly and Godly Trust:

“O my God, in you I trust.”

Worldly sees faith as belief.

Godly sees faith as experiencing the Presence.

EPISTLE: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

Worldy: To restore whatever is lacking in your faith
Godly: To restore whatever is spiritually lacking in your faith

Feel the difference between being directed Worldly or Godly:

“May our Father Himself and our Lord Jesus direct our way.”

Worldly sees the Kingdom as a position.

Godly sees the Kingdom as a condition.

GOSPEL: Luke 21:25-36

Worldly: The kingdom of God is near
Godly: The kingdom of God is always near in us

Feel the difference between being Worldly or Godly alert:

“Be alert at all times.”

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For further study see the follow on Advent I Meditation.

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