Posted by Paul Edwards (Fr. Paul) on Oct 22, 2012 | Comments (0)

Pentecost XXIII: Bottom Line Spirituality

Unlocking the Gospel Secrets of Spirituality

Discover what difference reading these scriptures in a Worldly or a Godly way make.


Spiritual language is natural, conscious and innate. It is not something we learn, it is something we discover.  This language is not rationally taught but consciously remembered.

Take time to sense the godly Presence within when a spiritual word is added to the rational, worldly reading of scripture.

When we discover the difference godly abiding in the Spirit or worldly not abiding makes we find our own spiritual language of God.

Click here to read the introductory text for the Bottom Line blogs

Worldly sees the words as law. Godly sees words as grace.

OLD TESTAMENT: Deuteronomy 6:6

Worldly: These words I command you today.
Godly: These spiritual words I command you today.


Worldly depends on what we do for our spirituality. Godly depends on our spirituality for what we do.

PSALM: 119:1-8

Worldy: Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD.
Godly: Happy are those whose spiritual way is blameless, who walk in the grace of the LORD.


Worldly sees the physical for what it is, blood. Godly sees the physical for what it does, gives life.

EPISTLE: Hebrews 9:14

Worldy: How much more shall the blood of Christ cleanse our conscience from dead works
Godly: How much more shall the spiritual blood of Christ cleanse our conscience from dead works


Worldly sees the physical as a position to move to. Godly sees the spiritual as a condition to be open to.

GOSPEL: Mark 12:28-34

Worldly: "You are not far from the Kingdom."
Godly: "You are not far spiritually from the Kingdom."


For further study see the follow on Pentecost XXIII Meditation.

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