Easter Sunday
Click here to go to the Bottom Line Meditations for the Easter Sunday
Godly Abiding Spiritually in Jesus Changes the Meaning of What we See Worldly When Not Abiding in Jesus.
Spirituality is our innate ability to feel the difference worldly or godly thinking makes to the way scripture translates to our daily life and relationships.
All Scripture is a testimony to Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. He is the complete revelation of God’s will of grace for salvation. Grace is the only unfailing rule of faith and practice for the Christian life.
The Gospel of grace is: rather than trying to be more faithful to become faithful, we become faithful by feeling the Faith God already has for and in us.
The Strength of Christianity is Grace
John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Another name for Jesus is "Grace". Another name for God is "Grace". We are saved by GRACE. "Love" is not Love if it is not grace. This is true for "Faith", "Hope", "Joy" and all other theological words of significance in the scripture.
Until someone experiences the grace gift in their lives, all other theological words have no real meaning. Why not begin to use the word "grace" in place of "Jesus", "God", "the Spirit", "Love" and so on? It might seem inappropriate to do so. However, until it is actually experienced it will make no sense at all.
That is what this year is all about. Grace, did you get it?
Finding Grace in Our Life
We never know what grace will do next.
All we can do is to expect the unexpected.
Prayers from Forward Day by Day.
Read this prayer for its religious meaning:
“O God, who made this most holy night to shine with the glory of the Lord's resurrection: Stir up in your Church.”
Now quietly move into God's Presence and pray the prayer spiritually:
“O God, who made this most holy night to shine with the glory of the Lord's resurrection: Stir up in your Church.”
Did you feel the difference?
John 20:1-18 “As yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead.”
Easter is all we expect it to be. There is the large choir, the outstanding music, the color of the robes, the flowers, even some hats. Yes, and even the sermon. Most of us are used to it. Whether we believe or not, we still have come to expect the expected.
Think back to the first empty tomb events. Mary Magdalene was out there for no explained reason. We can think she was there to weep at His grave site. She already went with the women on that grim Good Friday to anoint the body in the tomb. Perhaps she wanted some alone time. Whatever it was, she found the stone rolled away from where it was planted. She did not know what to expect. She did not look in to see what might or might not be there. She ran back to get the men to discover what else was to be found. She entered the room where all the eleven Apostles were grouped, talking in whispers. There were tears, and expressions of anger, remorse, guilt and pain: all of the expected reactions and perhaps more than we might expect. After all, Easter is always what we expect it to be. It was not for them. Up to that time it was all they expected it to be: a time of great grief, depression and fear of what the Jews would do. It was not what they expected. They expected a time of rest and relaxation after the Passover celebration. Everything that happened after that was totally unexpected. There was the arrest of Jesus as He was in the midst of His prayers. His appearance before the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Golgotha, death and burial. Not one of these things did they expect. Then Mary comes in with the news that the stone has been rolled away. Who is going to check it out? We have had enough surprises. We do not need another one. “I will go,” said the Beloved. “I will go with you,” Peter responds. It might help heal some of his guilt.
Peter and John rush to the tomb. John is there first but hesitates at going in. Peter is not afraid to burst in. Nothing he ever does will ever be close to his sin of denial.
Then there is the unexpected. Suddenly, there is no body, just a cloth folded and lying on the ground. But where is the body? It is too much to wrap your head around. They both go away in silence leaving Mary alone.
That is what happens to us sometimes when things do not work out as we expect them to work out. If it does not fit, we quit. We walk away. There is just so much in this busy world we can take. We just do not have the time to mess with it. Let us get back to the expected. There is enough to keep us busy for life. Who needs anything more, especially if it is something new and unexpected?
Stop right there! This is exactly what Easter is all about. It is the Gospel of grace. It is the moment of the unexpected. The problem with our life is that it is too filled with the expected. We have to have everything under control. One thing goes wrong and it is a domino effect. Keep it steady on the course.
How is it working for us, for you, for me?
Our issue is that we remember the painful unexpected moments in our life. We become afraid of them. We want no part of them. There are some good times that are unexpected, but one tragic moment defeats at least ten of the feel good times. No wonder we are afraid of the unexpected.
What we need to realize is that the words of Jesus and the Angels is, “Fear Not!” It does not mean we should or should not fear the unexpected. It means we need to change the way we deal with the unexpected. The unexpected does not cause our fear. It is the perspective we have of it. It is our fear of losing control. Loss of control creates our worst nightmare. This can be true if we permit it.
We have been given the resources not to fear. We have been given the Spirit of the risen Lord Jesus. God poured it into our heart. We need to realize and use this gift of grace. Do it now. What are we most afraid of? Think of it and feel it. Now wonder what difference it makes when we are in the Peace and Love of God when we think of it. Fear cannot exist where Peace is and Pain cannot exist where Love is. It is all unexpected until we begin trying and living it out. The unexpected part of Easter is what makes it Easter.
What do you expect?
THE DISCIPLE-SHIFT: The Virtual Small Group: Members share once a week with their group through the internet when a shift from being out to being in the Presence made a difference.
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