Blog Posts containing "Sermon on the Mount"

Seventh Sunday in Epiphany

Matthew 5:38-48, The BE Attitudes Jesus’ teaching of the Sermon on the Mount gives us the opportunity to understand the transforming power of grace. We only know the difference experiencing God’s Grace makes when it is compared with our attempt to change our lives through legalistic actions. Our legalistic response believes to change our lives we must do God’s will to receive His blessing. Grace promises to transform our lives through His blessing in order to do His will. The Sermon on the Mountain is an opportunity to understand Jesus’ graceful teachings.  Read more

Sixth Sunday in Epiphany

"You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, 'You shall not murder'; and 'whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.' But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, 'You fool,' you will be liable to the hell of fire. What difference does it make in your family relationships when you try to change someone while you are angry and out of the Grace or instead being transformed by loving them when you are in the Grace?  Read more

Fifth Sunday in Epiphany

Jesus’ teaching of the Sermon on the Mount gives us the opportunity to understand the transforming power of Grace. We only know the difference that experiencing Grace makes when it is compared with our legalistic actions to change our life. Our Legalistic response believes to receive God’s blessing we must first change our lives by doing His will. Grace promises to transform our lives through His blessing in order to do His will.   Read more

Fourth Sunday in Epiphany

Jesus’ teaching of the Sermon on the Mount gives us the opportunity to understand the transforming power of grace. We can only know the difference experiencing grace makes if we note how our lives change as we shift from a legalistic mode of interpreting scripture to an interpretation based on the Grace of God. Our Legalistic response to scripture is based on a belief that we receive God’s blessing by first changing our lives to do His will; something that is impossible to do through our own efforts. Grace promises to transform our lives through His blessing in order to do His will; possible in the Grace Presence of God.  Read more

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