Blog Posts containing "Advent 4"

Advent IV

This is a good opportunity to become conscious of our “Soul”. Using Freudian symbols, the Soul is the “Ego”. It is who we are. Our thoughts are the “Superego” which can be overly judgmental and moralistic. The “Id” is the consciousness that can become an undisciplined little child. The Soul never stands alone. Its strength is in being able to keep the thought and the consciousness in balance. If the thought becomes too strong, the soul can lose its ability to choose. It becomes what the thought thinks about a situation. If the Id takes over the soul without any sense of morals, it becomes promiscuous. Without the balance of the other two, the soul becomes our old self.  Read more

Year C Advent IV Bottom Line Meditations

Spiritual language is natural, conscious and innate. It is not something we learn, it is something we discover. This language is not rationally taught but consciously remembered. Take time to sense the godly Presence within when a spiritual word is added to the rational, worldly reading of scripture. Worldly looks for physical feeding. Godly looks for spiritual feeding.  Read more

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