Blog Posts containing "repent"

Year A Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Do you read this scripture literally as to what to do with unrepentant church members or do you read this scripture spiritually using the story to compare and contrast the difference in how you handle an unrepentant church member? The story seems to be one of those “THAT DOES IT” moments. We have done all we could and finally, that does it!  Read more

Year A Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Another way of looking at this scripture is to compare and contrast the different way the Jews and Jesus treated gentiles and tax collectors. He did not judge them. He loved them, ate with them and hung out with them. Jesus said to the self-righteous, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you, (Self righteous religious leaders).”  Read more

Third Sunday in Lent

Jesus tells the parable of a tree that has been given one chance after another by the gardener. The master is tired of waiting for it to produce fruit. Chop it down. The gardener replies, give me one more chance and I will fertilize it and perhaps it will start to produce. Alright, one more chance. We never know what happens to the tree. That is because Jesus wants to leave what happens to it up to us. We are the tree. Repenting in a worldly way is to confess our sins because that is what we did. The emphasis in the parable is on the sin, not sins. Sin is separation from God. Apart from God, we can do nothing. There is no fruit. John 15:5   Read more

Year C Third Sunday in Lent Bottom Line Meditations

Third Sunday in Lent: We have two lives, rational and spiritual. These meditations are to be an aid to increasing your spiritual understanding. The Season of Lent is an opportunity to strengthen our spiritual abilities to look within ourselves. These exercises can help us discover the different meaning looking at the same scripture from the spiritual side can make.  Read more

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