Blog Posts containing "rational thinking"

EASTER V John 15:1-8

We learn with Rational Thinking and discover with Spiritual Understanding. The rational studies the physical evidence that is seen to understand the spiritual meaning. The spiritual studies the unseen evidence to understand the rational meaning. An example of this is in the Scripture for this Easter week four.  Read more

EASTER IV John 10:11-18

We learn with Rational Thinking and discover with Spiritual Understanding. The rational studies the physical evidence that is seen to understand the spiritual meaning. The spiritual studies the unseen evidence to understand the rational meaning. An example of this is in the Scripture for this Easter week four.  Read more

EASTER III Luke 24:36-48

The Resurrection of Jesus as the Son of God can be revealed in many ways. Jesus chose to have the Apostles, as well as us, to understand the resurrection by using the Old Testament Scriptures which were the only Scriptures at that time.  Read more

Easter II John 20:19-31. “Peace Be With You”

As we read this scripture with rational thinking (in our head), we look for the evidence of the resurrection. We go right on to the following words, “after he said this, he showed them his hands and his side.” This is the physical evidence we are looking for. With Spiritual understanding, you have to be quick for this one or it will go right past your heart and up and over to your head. This is the Jesus way.  Read more

Easter Day: The Lord Is Risen Indeed!

The proof of the resurrection is in who was not there. Look at the women coming and who is not there! It was Mary the mother of Jesus. Why was she not there? It was because she spiritually understood who He was and believed the scripture.  Read more

Rational Thinking does not know what spiritual sin or death is. Spiritual Understanding knows separation from God is Sin leading to spiritual death.  Read more

What do we do with the words of Jesus about Moses? Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. So must the Son of Man be lifted up so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. Some see this as Jesus being lifted up on the cross. The serpent represents sin. Jesus took on our sin on the cross to save us. The problem here, is trying to fit one's theology into the scripture rather than have the scripture define our theology.  Read more

When we think of things rationally with our head, the physical is real and the spiritual is symbolic. When we think of things spiritually with our heart, the spiritual is real and the rational becomes symbolic. The challenge is to realize, at certain times, the physical and the spiritual are both real.  Read more

Lent I Mark 1:9-15. The Kingdom of God has come near

Why did Jesus tell this story among so many others He could have told? Remember, all of the Gospel Scripture is what others saw Jesus do or say. This is the only Scripture where Jesus tells us what He did. After all, He and Satan were the only ones there in the Wilderness.  Read more

9-11 Closure after Bin Laden

Over 3,000 souls died on September 11th, 2001. The grief not only was for their friends and relatives, but also for this country. There are those who found closure and have moved on in life. There are many others who are still seeking closure from this tragedy. Some have found it in the death of Bin Laden. Many others have not found it even at the news of his death. Some never will find closure. Closure for them is impossible. It is a fairy tale.  Read more

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