Blog Posts containing "Presence"

Parent Teen Issues

My parents never listen to me and I don't listen to them. It seems as if you have a problem with your parents. Everyone including you are looking for only one thing, to feel good. Everyone, including you, have only three ways to solve any problem. In Three Dimensional Spirituality, you discover you have within you, a spiritual Presence of Peace you can depend on. It can bring emotional balance into your life.  Read more

Spiritual Solutions for Relationships

In one Dimensional Spirituality, relationship fights are caused by low moods. Each of you is trying to change the others mood so you can have a high mood. When one is in a low mood, you try to get the other in a low mood by fighting over something "stupid". Each of you thinks if they can get the other person to agree with them, they will find peace. Three Dimensional Spirituality is changing from low mood, what you are thinking, to high mood, how you are thinking.  Read more

When we think of things rationally with our head, the physical is real and the spiritual is symbolic. When we think of things spiritually with our heart, the spiritual is real and the rational becomes symbolic. The challenge is to realize, at certain times, the physical and the spiritual are both real.  Read more

3D Spirituality and Conflicts in Relationships

In one Dimensional Spirituality, you try to change the other so you can feel better. In Two Dimensional Spirituality you realize you cannot change him. In the Three Dimensional Spirituality, you are not looking for answers but a solution.  Read more

Take time to wonder what difference it makes if you understand life's events with rational understanding, out of the Presence, or with spiritual understanding, in God's Presence.  Read more

Epiphany 7 Mark 9:2-9. “Only Jesus”

Spiritual understanding does not need sites, or exercises or pilgrimages to find the Joy of the Presence. Suddenly a cloud covered them all. When the cloud was gone there was only Jesus. That is all we need! That is all we have! His Presence is the unconditional and inclusive grace of God.  Read more

What's in Your Mindset?

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21 Poor Excuses for Leaving the Church or 21 Good Reasons for Staying in the Church

Twenty one of the worst reason for leaving the Church and twenty one of the best reasons for staying in is about understanding the Gospel of Grace. We need to practice grace wherever we are. It is not easy to practice grace when we are not abiding the Presence of Christ.  Read more

EPIPHANY V Mark 1:29-39. "Jesus prayed"

Rational understanding acts on its feelings about what happens. Spiritual understanding acts on how it feels in what happens.  Read more

The Bucket List: "What's in your bucket?"

Since the release of the movie of the same name, "The Bucket List" has become a familiar phrase. It is a list of things to do before we die. New Years resolutions are more on the level of coffee lists. They cool down in a short time. The center of the bucket list is Hope. We hope we can get these things done before we kick the bucket. The one thing no one has told anyone about is there are two Buckets. One is the "About Bucket". The other is the "In Bucket."  Read more

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